
Power On Demand!

Power Generator Gas and Electric Installation, Repair, and Service

We install POWER ON DEMAND generators in Concord, NH, and throughout Central, Southern, and Eastern New Hampshire — ALL YEAR ROUND. Yes, that’s right, even in the dead of a New Hampshire winter, we have a way to rapidly thaw the ground for us to trench the wiring and piping for your power on demand generator. Using ground heating blankets, we can install your new home generator in the coldest of temperatures.

Living in New Hampshire everyone knows you have to be prepared for any kind of crazy New England weather. From the Halloween 2011 nor’easter that left people without power for up to two weeks to heavy rains and floods which caused huge power outages in the northern part of the state in 2019 and 2020, power on demand, business standby or whole-house generators, are becoming a necessity. Call, email, or fill out our contact form for a free quote today!
Being prepared and surviving in the aftermath is key. From down power lines to impassable roads, having “power security” to keep food from spoiling, the basement from flooding, your business running, or pipes from freezing is crucial while you are waiting for service to be restored.

With a standby generator sidekick located next to your home or business, they are always ready to turn on automatically in the event of an outage, even if you’re not home (or your business is closed) to flip the switch. They are like mini power plants always “standing by,” ready to turn on when it senses a loss of power. Standby generators are more expensive than portable generators, but they are worth it because they are quieter, more powerful, live (last) longer, and are safer. Don’t wait until it’s too late, call us today to install your business or home generator today! 

What You Lose When The Power Goes Out!

Power is something people usually take for granted... that is, until it's gone. Remember what you lose when the power goes out:
  • No Heat or Air Conditioning - Living conditions may become uncomfortable or unbearable.
  • No Refrigeration/Freezing - Food is expensive and it doesn’t take very long for your freezer to begin to defrost that prime rib you bought for your anniversary dinner!
  • No Security System - One of the many things that home and business owners forget is that the majority of security systems or alarms are connected to a phone line which needs electricity to operate. Typical security system batteries have a life for 2 to 6 hours.
  • No Cable = No TV - You can’t send the kids outside to play in the storm, and, you can’t turn on a movie for them either. 
  • No Internet - No checking email on your laptop, no working on the company’s network from your home computer, no researching on for that homework project due in a few days, no social media, etc.
  • No Well Water - If your home or business gets water from a well, you lose the ability to do simple things like flush the toilet, wash your hands, and take a shower.

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